I don’t know how last night ended, but today began with me as a crumpled mess on the couch. It took a while for me to open my eyes, and when I did I saw that I had been penned into the living room like some kind of farm animal. By way of explanation, Space and Iris use folding bamboo gates to keep the dogs off the couches when they’re not home. The strange part is that Ginger was penned in with me and Milo was nowhere to be seen. I overdosed on water in an effort to stop the Pantera jam session going on in my head. Then I figured that I would proceed with my regular morning routine, just more slowly.
Pen in hand and ready to write I tried, but the words wouldn’t come out. All I could put together was a nonsensical string of words consisting solely of “it”, “for”, “and”, “to” and “the”. Clearly, this wasn’t going to work. I hadn’t pictured my last day starting like this, I was supposed to pack in a full day of “stuff”, but I was forced to resign myself to the necessity of sleep and retreated to my bed for a little more rest.
It was all for nothing, the guitar-based Pantera jam session had morphed into a full-on Neil Peart drum solo…man, that guy can play! Milo was nowhere in sight, odd since he had gotten used to my early morning routine and was usually around to greet me.
Space must have some ultra sensitive connection to coffee because no sooner than I had finished pressing some did he appear on the steps.
“Dude! You penned me in like an animal, and even worse, you penned me in with Ginger.”
“Look, I tried to wake you but you were having none of it…wait, where’s Milo ?” And with Space speaking his name, we heard Milo yelp from outside. Space had left one dog outside and caged a guest in with another.
Finer moments have been experienced by few.
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