It was only a matter of time, but the future of the toenail that had sustained serious damage only a short week ago (read – ripped off almost completely like a door opening and then haphazardly stuck back on by yours truly) was looking iffy. All that walking had taken its toll.
When removing my shoes at the end of the night and taking off the bandage I saw it move…the nail. Clarity washed over me yet again, this nail was on its last legs. Damn! Losing a toenail has got to be one of the most disgusting things that can happen to you.
I fell into the bed and hoped it wouldn’t catch on anything in my sleep but even my nerves couldn’t keep the darkness at bay. I was exhausted and with the noise of the city through my open window sleep still came quickly. Day 1 was over, it had been great.
Did you really have to share this? Really?